Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bears gone wild....

Wednesday April 17, 2013

Once upon a time there was a little bear... ok maybe not so little. 
Let's just call her Sunshine.

Sunshine led a happy life and was content. 

Of course she didn't know any better. 
Otherwise she would have kicked off her shoes a long time ago
 and questioned as to why the heck would she need clothes when she had a fur coat?

Of course this wee innocent bear had no idea she led quite the innocent sheltered life .. 

until she met some new friends... 

They seemed rather an innocent pair.

Curious about things...

Had great taste 

Had dreams...

Seemed to hang around with a good crowd...

A few spats now and then 

(with good cause I think)

Had a slight love for anything chocolaty
and were willing to share with her

Heck they even taught her things...
Like how to HIDE the chocolate

in plain view.

It may look like chocolate they told her... 

gag me with a spoon.... veggies!

All seemed so perfect.... 
what great new pals Sunshine had made...

She really felt part of the hug.

Then there was that one evening where she was invited out ...
Let's have some fun she was told.

Oh you don't need to tell anyone where you're going....

especially not momma bear..

She was so trusting.
So innocent.

First they suggested she visit the local spa to get all gussied up...

Then they said she really needed a bit of a trim...

And a new look with earrings and a head band

Sunshine felt so good.
But she was a little hungry and thirsty, 

so they brought out the  


Things started to get a little out of hand...

Sunshine had no idea that Beer-of-the-Root
would bring on a very serious case of the munchies...

She wanted to eat everything in sight...

It looked like chocolate she thought...

She even raided the fridge as she now had become addicted to the

That's when things really started to go bearwire.

How could they know that Sunshine had never ever tasted
Beer-of-the-Root before?

Sunshine was out of control...

She kicked off her shoes and really let loose.

The rest of the evening was all a blurr.

Later the next day...
In a state of utter chocolaty delirium...

Momma bear found her safe and sound in bed again.

They all tried to make amends for their wild party night

by helping out a local stitcher....

Not sure how well that went...

But there are certainly plans for a reunion.


Astrids dragon said...

I'd like to hang out with Sunshine!!!

Nicole M said...

can't wait to meet up with Sunshine and the bears again !